Saturday 3 May 2014

Some tips on Brand management

Do not go for too many extensions in a brand as it would scatter the name of the brand rather than making it strong !

Do not go for too much contraction in a brand , as after a point of time it would be like a rotten thing to the customers with no change for ages. Brand contraction more than needed would restrict growth ! 

There should be a balance between extension and contraction.
Being in profit doesn't only need the best product , its not enough in brand management .

 Brand positioning can make you win the race even with the second best product if placed smartly in the minds of the targets . 

There is a law in branding which talks about mortality .
If a brand is dying and you know it cant be saved then don't try it ! Let it die in peace because you cant save it , its better to loose a brand rather than ruining its name further more ! 

If a brand wins the perception of targets , than you need to relax and realize that you have won the race already !

Perception in the minds of people is the refection of value of a brand !


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